20 Ways The Israeli Army Is Taking Over Beyond The Battlefield, Machinery, Tech And Combat – Ranked

Published on 10/25/2023

20.Unbreakable Spirit

All Israeli Citizens are obliged to join the army but to make the cut into the best units is not so easy…Israeli soldiers receive rigorous training, forging an unyielding determination to protect their homeland. This includes both strength and mental tests and courses. To be drafted to top units many soldiers start training from young ages. Their commitment is the backbone of Israel’s defence.

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Unbreakable Spirit


19.Elite Units Beyond Imagination

Israeli Special Forces, like Sayeret Matkal and Shayetet 13, are among the world’s most elite. Their covert operations are shrouded in secrecy, leaving many in awe. Sayeret Matkal are special opps that are trained in intelligence, search and rescue, hostage situations and counterterrorism to name a few. Whereas Shayetet 13 is an elite unit of the navy that aim in any and every sea to land operation.

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Elite Units Beyond Imagination