Decorate Your Home For Halloween Without Compromising Its Elegance
When decorating for Halloween, there are those who want to go all-out and pretty much transform their house into a haunted one. However, there are also those who want their home to still look chic and stylish while still being appropriate for the season. If you’re someone who relates to the latter, this article is just for you! We’re here to talk about ways you can decorate your house while still keeping its original charm intact. Instead of wreaking havoc with all the Halloween decorations you can get your hands on, take a little time to plan things out, and think of what you want your result to look like. How much do you want to decorate? Do you want it to be subtle or more obvious? How much are you willing to spend? These are all questions you need to answer before you even shop for any of the decor items you want. Once you have a set goal in mind, you should head to the stores. Now, let’s talk about just how to put everything we’ve just said into action.
Start Small
Instead of lugging big heavy pumpkins home to carve, opt for small ones instead. Carve small pumpkins and create a small pile of jack-o-lanterns on your table or outside on the stoop.
Go For Monochrome
Just because it’s autumn doesn’t mean your entire house needs to be orange. In fact, you can decorate it with pumpkins you’ve painted white, gourds, and mums if you’d like. To make everything work together seamlessly in terms of decor, choose a color palette that you’re going to stick to. For instance, instead of going for black, think about going for an all-white color palette. It will really elevate the entire room and its decor.
Make Glamorous Jack-O-Lanterns
If you want to have jack-o-lanterns but want them to look more elegant, think of carving something different than the usual patterns. Instead, try simple geometric patterns with circles or squares for a modern Halloween twist.
Go Dark
When you’re looking for floral arrangements, don’t be afraid to pick out flowers in darker colors. Inky tones mixed with pops of orange will look both seasonal and luxurious.
Simple And Stylish
For a wreath on your door, use some vines and black felt or velvet bats. It’s simple and easy. Not to mention, it will look super effortless and put-together all at once.
Twinkling Autumn Lights
Who can say no to twinkling lights? Aside from being beautiful to look at, they’re perfectly appropriate for Halloween and autumn in general. Light up your garden with some strung up jack-o-lanterns as well as some miniature candles scattered about.
Add More Candles
Of course, autumn is the classic candle season, and with it, Halloween as well. When it comes to decorating, candles can be the perfect blend of creepy and chic. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as too many candles. To keep a room from looking too boring, mix it up by using a few kinds of candles.